Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Here are the Gaps that the power chains will be closing in!Excited to see how fast these teeth move. Since my teeth have straightened out so much, I don't really need the threader floss anymore. I can just slide the regular floss under the space behind my wire. The teal ligatures really do make my teeth look whiter...I think I am a fan after all.

left side

right side

Adjustment #4 08/08/2011

Super sore after this last adjustment..Its  unbelievable how much movement there has been since the last time. They put an even bigger wire on this time (14/18 gage) and teal ligatures. Im not really sure how I feel about the color...its a bit bold. So far I have been going in every six weeks but this time I get to come in in four weeks! My next adjustment they are putting power chains on to close all the gaps created by all of my extractions. I heard power chains cause some discomfort but no pain no gain! Does any one have any suggestions on color for power chains? Im thinking light purple might look okay.

little Gigi wanted in on the webcam pics too!