Friday, June 3, 2011

Extractions are not fun!

I went to have a consultation at a new dentist to have my premolars extracted. I really liked the dentist office and they were really friendly. They gave me a quote of 200 bucks to extract the three premolars I needed out. I was expecting it to be a lot more. I went ahead and had them do it. They numbed me up pretty good but my top molar had a hook on the roots and did not want to come out. I don't blame him really, he looked pretty cozy in there.

The bottom two were a different story. They came flying out a lot easier than the dentist expected and he accidently banged his pliers into my top teeth and dropped the tooth down my throat. It was quite comical to see him and his assistant panic to grab the tooth before I swallowed it. It was like they were on a treasure hunt lol!

I was afraid to look in the mirror after all the extractions. To my surprise I couldn't even see them. The pressure in my mouth from all of the crowding felt like it was relieved almost immediately. Awesome! I didn't even realize how much pressure I had. I cant wait for them to all straighten out. It should happen a lot faster now that the extractions are done.

Between my braces and all of the extractions I don't think I can eat anything. Just thinking about it makes me hungry. I cant chew anything or drink from a straw. That makes it pretty limited in the food department. Uggghhh! Ive never wanted pizza so bad in my life!  

I came across a blog that referenced himself as "Orthodonticly Adorned" It sounds so much better than "I have braces". Although my daughter says "My mama has jewels on her teeth" far my favorite ;)

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